It is impossible to answer questions on risks using empirical data driven methods alone

Our targeted outcome aims at giving management and stakeholders a better understanding of the company risk profile and the importance of the control environment in mitigating risk.

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Security Assessments and Analysis:
  • Alleviate risks, strengthen your internal controls and drive change
  • Assess security of physical & intangible assets to identify the existential process vulnerabilities.
  • Detect staff inefficiencies and on-conformities of set policies and governance procedures for legal and regulatory compliance.
  • Analyze and remove gaps by establishing risk assessment programs for current and planned activities
  • Implement correct security plan for functional and procedural efficacy
  • Reduce the risk of policy failures, remediate risk and meet regulatory requirements
  • Regular documentation of security posture and record progression as per amends made in security measures
  • Open Source Intelligence Gathering & Analysis
  • Operational Intelligence for managing threats to clients’ business operations with diverse approach, team of analysts and seasoned professionals, utilizing unconventional intelligence gathering approaches, we work towards understanding and identifying threats posed by the external and internal sources of a client’s operations
  • Our approach incorporates intelligence and risk management, enabling our clients to have a comprehensive insight into the threats emanating from their political environment

Simulation and Assessment of Plans and responses effectiveness​ | Situational SWOT Analysis Services | Review of Joint Commission, and security requirements imposed by regulatory agencies | Review of facility operating procedures | Security Risk Assessments and Audits​ | Industry-wise -Geopolitical - Threat/Risk Analysis (SWOT services) | Simulation and Assessment of Plans and responses effectiveness​ | Situational SWOT Analysis Services  .Security Risk Analysis.Country and Political Risk Analysis.Terrorism Risk Analysis | ​Strategic Intelligence & Analysis​ | Political Intelligence & Analysis | Customised Intelligence & Analysis​ | Operational Intelligence​

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Security Assessments and Analysis:

  • Assess company’s governance structure for safety effectiveness and compliance
  • Improve procedures and maintain operational strengths
  • Gain a security approach from a risk-management and incidence avoidance perspective
  • Analyze attrition & retention issues to plan boost work morale in employees
  • Gauge effectiveness of safety measures and appropriate usage of equipment and procedures
  • Understand training needs for different level of employees as per their work responsibilities
  • Assess employee understanding of conformity to compliance with law and regulations
  • Avoid legal hassles or reputation loss due to accidents and mishaps

Facility Security Systems and Controls assessment | OSHA Compliance Checklist Assessment & Vulnerability Analysis | Human Resource Security Risk Assessments and Audits

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Security Assessments and Analysis:

  • Cyber threat analysis helps organization leaders to know the extent of exposure of their business or enterprises to cyber-attacks.
  • Assessing authentication mechanisms for configuration of best practices
  • Assess enterprise cyber threats and industry risk trends against your company’s information ecosystem
  • Assess vulnerabilities against activities capable of unknown intelligence entities or criminals for data loss or infrastructure access
  • Conduct cyber security analysis to gauge possibilities disruption of a communication pathway, the damage of data, or data theft
  • Internal assessment against internal cavoites to be susceptible for denial of service attacks (DoS), computer viruses, malware, phishing emails, etc.
  • Assessment of calibration of Firewalls, switches, routers, wireless networks, Remote Desktop Service (RDS); are they all hardened and configured to best practices
  • Analysis need of advance technology like artificial intelligence or intelligent systems to facilitate better security against trojans and penetrative capabilities that can by-pass highly secure systems.
  • Custom analysis against specific vulnerabilities relating to a particular business model is matched against the actual or real-world cyber-attacks
  • Helps your organization formulate a proactive approach to countering cyber-attack in a desirable transition from a reactive security state.
  • The data generated from these analysis provide corrective and preventive guidelines for best practices and drive industry specific governance compliances 
  • Helps utilize the protective controls to promote integrity, availability, and confidentiality, without affecting the functionality and usability conditions.

Cyber threat intelligence | Open Source Intelligence​ | Scenario analysis​ | cyber risk management and predictive analytics | Management Information Systems (MIS) | Internal Audit & Adherence​ | Fraud Identification & Reporting (Fraud Risk Assessment)​ | INFOSEC and Audit | Cyber Intelligence Services

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Security Assessments and Analysis:

  • Assessments help in identifying different types of organizational risks like strategic, operational, financial, and compliance risks
  • A compliance assessment helps identify gaps between your organization’s existing control environment and what industry specified best practices. 
  • Our Enterprise risk management experts help with Risk Assessments and build key risk metrics ensuring a successful project, using industry best practices to develop ERM Frameworks using COSO ERM and ISO 31000
  • Compliance assessment helps identify, prioritize, and assign accountability for managing existing or potential threats related to legal or policy noncompliance.
  • Risk assessments are aimed at gaining real insights inside your operations for conformity with set critical organizational policies against ethical misconduct and avoid fines or penalties, or reputational damage, or the inability to operate in key markets.
  • Analyze the potential severity of non-adherence impact and helps organizations prioritize risks, map these risks to the applicable risk owners, and effectively allocate resources to risk mitigation. 
  • Assess whether Policies, standards, regulations and controls are aligned, eliminating inefficiencies and redundancies.
  • Ongoing analysis and environment scanning helps in risk intelligence  to identify emerging risks or early warning signs as required for requires 
  • Project initiation assessments and analysis helps the CRO in developing Compliance Program Implementation Action Plan, build compliance risk inventory and set program charter for board buy-in
  • Brand protection assessments with Anti-Counterfeiting / Anti-Piracy reporting, Online Monitoring, Enforcement Actions , Mistry shopping and product analysis

Fraud Risk Assessments & Audits | Contract management Services​ | M&A screening | Opportunity identification​ | Scenario analysis​ | Merger & Acquisition support services | Financial Due Diligence Support (Family Splits - Performance Management - Brand Equity Valuation) | Business Due Diligence | BoD Due Diligence / Background check | Contract management policies | Vendor management / onboarding policies | Geo-political Risk Management​ | Decisive Information Support​ | Business Blueprinting | Financing of Terrorism risks analysis​ | Industry Research​ | Goals & Objective Setting​ | Corporate Scorecard Buildup & Review | Security Risk Assessments​
and Audits


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