Evolving business dynamics, warrants for constant check on an organization's risks & vulnerabilities, threats and related adverse impacts.

We study the client organization to look at operations, benchmarking your environment with industry standards and threat analysis of potential threat situations, from security program design through framework implementation.

Data is the backbone of every business today and these assets are under constant threat from fraud, theft and attacks. With evolving business dynamics, there needs to be a constant check on an organization’s risks & vulnerabilities, threats and related adverse impacts on your business. Today organizations need not only a cyber security assessment regimen, but also a team to maintain a robust internal cyber compliance program, that is optimal to your company’s operations and also helps your infrastructure team to stay current with compliance mandates, technology implementation and governance protocols.With ExeSTAT as your partner in Cyber Security, your needs for regular risk assessment, executive consultation, system upgrade analysis and testing & forensics; to meet the strategic goals, regulatory assessment & compliance and impenetrable cyber security, are met.
We provide a matured perspective from cyber vantage to the organization for it’s legal, financial and operational obligations towards your customers. Our team of experienced and qualified cyber experts will help assist your technology team in requisite compliances, assessments, certification and roadmap building the Security assessments ensures that your organization stays ahead of the game when it comes to security risks. For many businesses though, staying on top of the latest security threats, with attacks happening every day, can be very extremely overwhelming. Security consultants are adept at building security roadmaps tailored to your readiness. Each security solution proposed will have a recommended plan and will be paired with the strategic goals of your organization. The roadmap will also be carefully developed to complement your current IT environment.
We understand that keeping up with evolving technology and trends to manage digital infrastructure i.e. the data center, application (physical & virtual) devices, networks, cloud services and data security appliances becomes more engaging and cumbersome. Our engineers will create a threat management framework of detection and response, to tackle cyber security threats against attacks, malware, fraud & other cyber crimes, data drainage (theft); by deploying streamline system capabilities for real-time automated processes. Our professional security consultants will work alongside your CISO to establish security policies; and the team to develop security architecture and solution design to make it safe from attack penetration. Physical security of equipment and instruments against data hacking and relay is crucial for you business continuity. We’ll assist your tech team to enhance their abilities to assess physical threats to your data integrity by developing enterprise wide security strategy and policies for governance to drive the security mechanism.

  • Cyber Security Advisory
  • Data and Infrastructure Security
  • Assessment & Planning
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence
  • Open Source Intelligence
  • Risk Assessment
  • Security Policy Development
  • Security Policy Review
  • Compliance Assessment & Deployment
  • ISO 27001 consultation & implementation
  • Security Solutions
  • Threat and Vulnerability Management (TVM)
  • Application Security
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Data Security
  • Customer & Employee Identity Security
  • Information Security (Audit, Policy reviews and GAP)
  • Security Assessments and Testing
  • Application Security
  • Mobility Security Solutions IoT Security
  • Multi-Layered Testing Approach
  • Vulnerability Assessment and
  • Penetration Testing (VAPT)  
  • Penetration Testing
  • Information Security and Governance Compliance
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation
  • GRC Technology and Automation services
  • Cobit (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies)
  • ISO 27000 Family
  • CISO Advisory Services
  • SSAE Compliance

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