At it’s core philosophy forensics is a process of unearthing facts out of consists of the unobvious with a meshwork of ideas from varied streams of science

Our methods originate from and are influenced by a range of different disciplines, models of inquiry, and forms of validating data claims, which helps being linear in bringing the facts about.


Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Security Investigation is a proactive step in keeping your organization safe from any unwanted association or undue intrusion, safeguarding the organizational interests and employing a risk prevention measure. 
  • ExeSTAT’s advisors and partners are experts from military, intelligence and security services get involved the collection, processing, and analysis of sensitive data. For security and investigation there’s a need that require a higher level of confidentiality and discretion, our investigation partners have capabilities in electronic countermeasures to background checks and investigations, our investigators adhere to the highest level of ethics and integrity in everything they do.
  • Due Diligence are necessary and appropriate to perform a security review while any new significant association with vendors, partners or any other company. Events like acquisitions, joint agreements/ventures, onboarding etc. to uncover any security related risks before hand. 
  • Our Vetting process and consulting for trusted and responsible positions involves Screening into Digital Footprint, Integrity report from open Source Intelligence, investigations and psychological profiling.
  • Background checks, including financial and legal affairs, information from references etc. with security interview and other checks that reveal potential exposure to the risk of e.g. blackmail., sabotage, collusion etc.
  • We help conducting forensic examinations in case of Frauds, Money Laundering cases, Physical security incidences, Whistleblower procedures, Fire safety incidences, Geo-Political occurrences, Financial insider informer or sabotage cases, investigation irregularities, management administration fallouts, strikes or Information leakage etc. 
  • Your reliance on an external security vendor can also be questioned by internal controls committee, this is where we help you ‘Know your security vendor’, and help scrutinize security staff onboarding and checks.
  • Corporate security supervisors find it helpful to have expert guidance and established guidelines by their side while they conduct an interview, perform surveillance and compile a report while referring to set policies and procedures all within the legal guidelines for conducting investigations, and have quick reference to develop an investigation plan and adapting to ever changing circumstances to cover all the field notes accurately to have a complete reporting outcome. 
  • We advise and practice, Discretion, Confidentiality and Data Protection as procedures are conducted in compliance with confidentiality requirements, and where the protection of sensitive personal information is a priority.
  • With our domestic and international partners, we support our corporate clientele in assistance with information and intel for asset loss/destruction investigation, personnel harm or abduction investigation, local safety (if possible exfiltration) operations, etc.



Security Risk Assessments and Audits


Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • People exaggerating their credentials or work history while applying for a work position is not unheard of our investigations partners help with Verification of candidate qualification, character checks, credit checks to keep your workplace safe, reduce your legal liabilities and in all avoid bad hires.
  • We help conduct programs like continuous identity checks, anti collusion surveillance checks, device surveillance for sensitive information handlers.
  • Investigations should be launched with specific expertise, our investigation partners employ tested methodologies, special capabilities and skills to perform technical investigations, interviews and checks with collection, handling and analysis of the data uncovered with requisite documentation for legal process, if needed.
  • Help attend, resolve and/or adjudicate incidence and prompt aiding of finding for law enforcement under regulatory and legal purview in situations under following situations
  • Forensics under incidence management for OSHA cited violation incidences and accidents like disrespectful or indecent behavior, stalking, assault, sexual harassment or rape, etc.
  • investigation for physical accidents or fatal incidents like fire, hazardous substance leakage & exposure, negligence in cause of accident or death, fall or electrocution etc.
  • Forensics for incidents cause invasion of privacy and like embezzlement, insider trading, PII data theft, IPR theft, corporate espionage & stalking, 
  • Competitor collusion, sabotage, strikes, mutiny, bullying or criminal intimidation, business rivalry abductions & ransom situations etc.



Focused Performance Measures / Policy making & Adherence​ | Suspected Theft, Fraud, Corruption and Other Unethical or Illegal Activity​ | ​Internal Investigations​ | FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act)​ | Labour Disruption & Corporate Downsizing​ | ​Background checks​ | ​Background Checks (Employment + References + Education + Police verification)​ | ​Pre-recruitment executive background check (Media + Intl. Checks + Legal suits checks)​ | ​Ex-Defence personnel hiring / consulting for strategic guidance to permeate the military values of integrity, loyalty and discipline​ | Military veterans for Admin, HR, Operations and Facilities roles​ | ​Executive Protection

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • ExeSTAT’s Cyber Security engineers, help neutralize threats with innovative investigative and analytical tools that will help you with early detection and swift investigation that is critical to fend off attackers and responding to threat from cyber incidences.
  • Our response protocol plans investigating, assessing and reacting to the attack, that involves tuning targeted system alerts, precise & adequate information, and objective visibility that can help you accomplish the investigative detection tasks and provide with safety methodology for the future.
  • Our Forensics and Investigation solutions will give you attack context, infrastructure-wide visibility, codified expertise, rich intelligence, and insights gained from front-line experience responding to the world’s most impactful threats. So, you’ll have everything you need to rapidly detect, triage, investigate, and minimize the impact of attacks.
  • For Infrastructure Cyber Surveillance of a company’s network we assist with solutions to monitor to identify and address eventual leaks and compromises of its information systems, helping it to limit damages quickly. 
  • Forensic investigation checks for internal involvement, motivation and possible external (competitor) collusion and related post incidence internal investigation against internal cavoites to be susceptible for denial of service attacks (DoS), computer viruses, malware, phishing emails, etc.
  • Assess security breach occurrences and identify exposure point throughout your environment and understand how they could impact your organization currently and in future.
  • Run checks to validate residual critical vulnerabilities to isolate critical threats, simulation intrusion testing and arrive at corrective and preventive measures to increase governance efficiency.
  • Cyber forensics into security controls, defense efficacy, guard down deliberation, collusion possibilities and make informed defensive spending decisions based on risk to individual units within your organization and as a whole.
  • Our engineers help you analyze web application vulnerabilities, logs & threads and historic activities to arrive at key breach point (weak link analysis) to reduce further risk and minimize development spending by identifying exposures before go-live again.
  • In an all hands on deck meeting, communicate risk and occurrence clearly and effectively with present risk analytics in the context of key assets, operational areas, compliance mandates, and business objectives and upgrades and enhanced security procedures.
  • Breach documentation, containment and retention of critical business continuity for the competitive edge with future plans by gaining insights and planning governance; the by-product being long term security management and meeting of compliance requirements.



Development + Operational analysis​ | Money Laundering vulnerabilities / Internal Fraud​ | ​Financing of Terrorism risks analysis (regional reports)​
Internal Investigations​ | Joint reviews with agencies​ | Digital Forensics | ​SECURITY TESTING - VAPT (Network, Application, and Web Security)​ | ​GDPR Audit​ | SSAE (SOC) Compliance Audit​ | PCI Compliance Audit​ | E-discovery & Cyber Forensics

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • A regulatory check is a process that seeks to ensure compliance with regulations, laws, and policies under whichever regulatory sector your organization operates in.
  • With ExeSTAT, our Compliance checks are short, focused reviews, typically providing a high-level investigation of the extent to which statistics meet the standards of the Code of Practice for Statistics – Trustworthiness, Quality and Value.
  • The checking methodology our auditors employ is to ensure all you functions, internal & external business processes and related individuals comply with relevant rules, policies, and laws regarding regulatory, security and overall adherence with the set compliance norms; set in place to avoid malpractices, frauds and breaches that jeopardizes organization and your customers at risk.
  • Compliance Audits encompass checks of the basic policy and procedures for documentations, reporting and transparency of operations under regulatory conformities.
  • These checks help you steer clear from and law enforcement or legal hassles and a proof of your organization’s proactive efforts in abiding by the rules, if any incidence occurs.
  • These audits help you with relevant disclosures (if found suitable), stay updated with licenses, permits and guidelines reports
  • They help in contacting relevant regulatory agencies or enforcement bodies for clarification and authentication of issued compliance documents.
  • Our compliance experts support you with any compliance breach incidence management that initiates with an interim action trigger for Investigatory Responsibility to gather supportive for requisite disclosures for anticipated regulatory inquiry. 
  • In such incidences, we help your CCO with conventions like governance clearances, Reporting (actual or potential) Material Breaches, systemic report of the incidence to provide a correct synopsis of the occurrence, previous log of such occurrences and related corrective or preventive measures that were taken in those events. 
  • We assist with the oversight in setting-up of an internal inquiry committee (CGARC) to compile a compliance obligations report for the Stakeholders for further actions and to present to the law enforcement. 
  • We help for these investigations to be contained until requisite permission are obtained for disclosures by the law enforcement under whistleblower and disclosure protection laws. 
  • To summarize our team of compliance experts will assist your compliance team to make an incidence management process to be methodic and that has conformity with the law enforcement agencies and the industry legal regulatory mechanism. 



Fraud Investigation & Reporting | Money Laundering (AML) case investigation

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