The idea is to spark insights about how to approach your organization’s goals to reach its full potential

We help our clients set priorities, channelize resources, optimize operations, and help focus employees and other stakeholders toward governance goals, and establish a risk mitigation agreement around organization’s intended outcomes.


Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Plan multidisciplinary approach in developing effective safety and security protocols
  • Review of your current security program governance and to implement controls in line with your organizational security culture.
  • We help your CRO plan and review of any security threats such as terrorism, political extremism, espionage and organised crime are increasingly aimed at, or harmful to, your businesses for any impending decisions related to new market entry, corporate takeovers, partnerships and strategic alliances, key account agreements and supplier contracts, commercial / franchising agreement, function outsourcing etc.
  • Development of the company’s facilities, information and communication systems along with other infrastructure
  • Develop organization’s operational governance working within the framework of laws or regulatory legislation
  • Remove and significantly reduce the gaps that expose your organization to security vulnerabilities
  • Strategize adequate policies that cover political unrest, explosive threats, workplace violence, suspicious and unattended items and business travel to high risk countries
  • Planning security roadmap with guidance and support in assessing and planning upgrade to your existing security program to help identify and then address any gaps in your safety.
  • “Plan Prepare and Protect” strategy to build organizational resilience in emergency preparedness for emergency action and crisis management
  • Documentation and setting SOPs (standard operating procedures) with pre-determined actions protocol to create a security culture of your organization through policies, training, and security development



Security Master Planning ​| Political Risk Management | Crisis Lookout ​| ​Hospitality Risk Consulting ​| Special Events Security Management ​| Technical Surveillance & Counter Measures


Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Workplace safety and security plan instills confidence in employees about organization’s resolve in their safety and wellbeing, keeping the workforce happier and boost productivity.
  • Planning operational safety protocol to provide safe and secure working environment by using thorough security system including access control systems, CCTVs, keycards, clean workstation, etc.
  • Strategizing safety and security best practices for standard safety procedures, constant improvement of system and equipment and workplace environment upgrades
  • Strategize for Disaster recovery, Crisis Management and Business continuity planning
  • Emergency responses and drill based protocol initiated procedures for emergency situations caused by natural calamities, act of human aggression, machinery malfunction, etc.
  • The effective safety plan will reduce the number of work injuries, decreases attrition and absenteeism, lower insurance costs, as well as avoiding the hassle of training new people to replace the absent ones. 



Employee data protection Policies (under Data Protection Act)​ | Safety Audits​ | ​Union Engaging Policies​ State and National HRD regulations​ | Security, Command & Control and Command Center Operations​ | Strategic frameworks​ | Workplace hazards and Industrial Safety Training (Industry specific)​ |​ Policies + Culture Awareness Orientation Programs (Training need analysis, we analyze the company policies & Procedures with Vision, Mission & Values)​ | Potential Regulatory Breaches, Disciplinary Behavior and Cooperating with Law Enforcement​ | Insider Threat Prevention & Employee Malicious Activities

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • ExeSTAT, brings together best security, compliance and technologies experts, to develop comprehensive cyber security management programs.
  • Cyber security strategy will help fortify your organisation’s digital and information assets safety and security
  • Create a strategy to align a security program to business requirements, to ensure that the organization meets it’s business objectives
  • Effective Cyber security planning help organizations steer safe of any legal or regulatory risks arising from breach in employee PII or client’s IPR sensitive data.
  • We support CIOs & CISOs create cyber security plans for technology ecosystem upgrades with risk mitigation decisions across every aspect of business processes
  • Stay current and compliance conformant by having regular valuations of your security environment eg. Monitor networks, systems for Incident prevention and detection, Cyber security infrastructure upgrades, etc.
  • Plan for cyber defense strategy as proactive steps in regards to concrete threats, and that the organization is able to swiftly identify, assess and deflect actual attacks, thereby limiting potential consequences
  • Achieve greater benefits and returns from security budgets by implementation of latest Industry best practices and holistic lifecycle planning approach in structuring information security programs to ensure your organization is secure and compliant.
  • Create a dynamic security culture by planning across the board collaboration and set employee security measures and management controls against incidences.
  • Set an incidence management strategy to provide internal response and remediation in the event of a security breach, where multidisciplinary team, including a project managers and the C suit, to manage the full lifecycle of a breach.
  • Strategize upgrades with continual integration with overall security programs for a strong secure posture like implementing evolving and layering defenses between corporate assets and hackers to effectively reduce the chances of a successful security breach.



Data and Infrastructure Security Assessment & Planning​ | ​Security Policy Development​ | ​Data Security​ | Sales / Expansions / Mergers - Plans Vulnerability Analysis​ | Enterprise Threat Risk (Vulnerability) Assessment​ | ​Development & Operational analysis​ | Emergency Response Planning​ | ​Strategic frameworks​                | ​Incident Management Mechanism

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Any compliance be it for technology or for people processes needs planning and vetting to meet organization’s business objectives
  • We can help our clients in a variety of industries and in the Government sector prepare for the unforeseen.
  • Compliance strategies, be it for technology or for people processes needs planning and vetting to meet organization’s business objectives
  • Provide a comprehensive and holistic view of the organization-wide strengths and weaknesses, and arriving at understanding organization’s compliance requirement to counter internal and external risks
  • Provide organization with systematic risk identification and analysis to align with government mandates and industry best practices
  • Improve decision-making by being more risk-informed and defensible with performance metrics for risk treatment actions
  • Calibrate operational performance measures and the implementation status monitored for MIS and enterprise risk management
  • Optimize risk reduction across the enterprise by understanding risk and plan an effective risk mitigation program
  • Appropriate industry Compliance measures identifying helps overcoming the challenges in enterprise risk management



Strategic Cost Control (SCC) against bankruptcy​ | Insolvency Risks | Business Risk Management​ | ​Business Optimization / Business​ | Continuity Planning & Management ​| Disaster Recovery Planning​ | BOQs and RFPs creation assistance​ | ​C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism)​ | Strategic frameworks

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