Innovation through experience helps creating a culture that simultaneously values learning through failures shared by others

We operate by the philosophy that learning experiences could be redesigned to be far more relevant to student’s interests and it’s real life implementation, that is personalized to their abilities, and responsive to their organization culture and service identities.


Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • ExeSTAT’s physical security program is conducted by ex-military, academic veterans and contractors having experience in training in fields of specialized physical security, investigations, fire & safety, first aid, intelligence and necessary soft skills for protection of individuals and organizations. 
  • We provide services to assist you with the development of security training programs for employees like security personnel, in-house engineers and maintenance technicians and supervisors and managers with a set curriculum and security awareness materials.
  • The overall training curriculum covers, basics of Physical Security, Security Measures, Planning and Implementation, Monitoring and Tactical Upgrades &system maintenance.
  • The Physical Security training program is that part of security concerned with active and passive measures, designed to prevent the unauthorized access to personnel, equipment, installations, materials, and information; and to safeguard them against espionage, sabotage, terrorism, damage, and criminal activity.
  • Our physical security training programs cover range of attributes from technology, communication and surveillance with insights of providing more effective means of managing and protecting assets.
  • We conduct “train the Trainer” programs to enable supervisors and HR administrators to conduct localized security awareness training at remote sites.
  • Our unique trainings provide case studies, hands-on experience, workshops and simulations for employees from government and non-governmental agencies, to cater to the needs in accordance with the contemporary needs of the industry and have come up as a result of in-depth research and consultations by subject experts and industry experienced people.   
  • Comprehensive methods to know before operational readiness and to understand full spectrum of organization security training needs contain practical evaluation exercises that can be applied in both a formal or informal training environment. 
  • Customized Security Courses and Training Programs are offered as per requirements from organizations and are meant for imparting skill-sets in specific areas. The duration of courses are flexible and can be conducted on client's site also. 



Security Training​​ | Fire Safety Training

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Our training courses and interactive workshops support these efforts, engaging employees at all levels and in meaningful ways and empowering them to build a safer, more reliable organization. Also, A company culture that encourages employee ideas, feedback, and engagement in implementing solutions provides a good foundation for innovative change. 
  • Our trainers instill sense of responsibility for safety and security at work, as per industry best practices, developed policies, procedures and training to increase employees’ ability to recognize, report and respond to workplace aggression.  
  • Areas covered under physical security segment of training are Accidents, Attentional focus, Harm avoidance, operational care, etc. to have sufficient skills to perform their work in a way that is safe for them and their co-workers
  • Our experts work along organizational representatives and leadership to arrive at training standards and customized approach to encourage a great safety culture with safety trust, personal work standards and reporting mechanism for your organization can continually improve the workplace environment. 
  • Employee training for vigilance with tools provision like easy-to-use phone systems with emergency buttons, sign-in policies for visitors, panic buttons, safe rooms, security guards, office access controls, good lighting, and safety equipment training
  • Trainings help creates an  methodic compliance oriented plan with set policies and procedures complementing industry best practices for an effective workplace safety planning including instructions and guidelines to identify hazards, report them, and deal with incidents & not let them happen again.
  • We enable employees to be able to easily access historical hazard incidence reports and learn on-the-job hazard prevention. Practices will be set to be able to warn and alert your employees to a hazard before it happens in case of natural, human or machinery causes.
  • Key factors under personnel welfare are also covered under coping up with workspace stress, targeted tasks completion, procedures under work area harressment and pertaining open door reporting policies.
  • All the training and related innovation efforts aim at Personal Work Standards and can be viewed to enhance an individual’s tendency to strive for achievement, seek improvement, and be deliberate and reliable in terms of productivity.

Stress Management​ | Workplace Environment & Culture policies & Procedures​ |​Disability Resource Centre​ |​ Employee Occupational Safety​ | ​PoSH | Harassment Investigation and Incidence Management​ | ​Security, Command & Control and Command Center Operations​ | ​CCTVs, access control systems, screening systems, traffic management, guard management, security communication and other technology aspects​ | ​FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act)​ | ​Security Consulting, Auditing & Training​ | CCTV Consulting & Installation | Technical Surveillance & Counter Measures | Technical Surveillance & Counter Measures​ | ​Women’s Security Training Program​ | ​Employee health and safety training​ | Security process mapping and lean security management structure​ | Female Personal Safety Training​ | First Aid​ | Pre-Travel Briefings | Executive Protection | Project Management | Security Master Planning | Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) compliance​ | Equipment, team identification, rehearsals/drills and evacuation plans

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • ExeSTAT’s Cyber Security engineers, help neutralize threats with innovative investigative and analytical tools that will help you with early detection and swift investigation that is critical to fend off attackers and responding to threat from cyber incidences.
  • Our response protocol plans investigating, assessing and reacting to the attack, that involves tuning targeted system alerts, precise & adequate information, and objective visibility that can help you accomplish the investigative detection tasks and provide with safety methodology for the future.
  • Our Forensics and Investigation solutions will give you attack context, infrastructure-wide visibility, codified expertise, rich intelligence, and insights gained from front-line experience responding to the world’s most impactful threats. So, you’ll have everything you need to rapidly detect, triage, investigate, and minimize the impact of attacks.
  • For Infrastructure Cyber Surveillance of a company’s network we assist with solutions to monitor to identify and address eventual leaks and compromises of its information systems, helping it to limit damages quickly. 
  • Forensic investigation checks for internal involvement, motivation and possible external (competitor) collusion and related post incidence internal investigation against internal cavoites to be susceptible for denial of service attacks (DoS), computer viruses, malware, phishing emails, etc.
  • Assess security breach occurrences and identify exposure point throughout your environment and understand how they could impact your organization currently and in future.
  • Run checks to validate residual critical vulnerabilities to isolate critical threats, simulation intrusion testing and arrive at corrective and preventive measures to increase governance efficiency.
  • Cyber forensics into security controls, defense efficacy, guard down deliberation, collusion possibilities and make informed defensive spending decisions based on risk to individual units within your organization and as a whole.
  • Our engineers help you analyze web application vulnerabilities, logs & threads and historic activities to arrive at key breach point (weak link analysis) to reduce further risk and minimize development spending by identifying exposures before go-live again.
  • In an all hands on deck meeting, communicate risk and occurrence clearly and effectively with present risk analytics in the context of key assets, operational areas, compliance mandates, and business objectives and upgrades and enhanced security procedures.
  • Breach documentation, containment and retention of critical business continuity for the competitive edge with future plans by gaining insights and planning governance; the by-product being long term security management and meeting of compliance requirements.

Vulnerability Management ​ | Threat and Vulnerability Management (TVM) | Cobit (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies) | Compliance Assessment & Deployment​ | Security Consulting and Audit​ | Information Security Training and Awareness | Transportation Security Training Programs​ | Data Privacy​ | Email, Mobile, and Password Security | Cyber Security Training:Cyber-Security Workshop on Operations​,VAPT and AppSec​,Open Source Intelligence Gathering & Analysis​,Project Management​,Security Master Planning.

Key Benefits of ExeSTAT’s Strategy & Planning services:

  • Employee awareness means employee engagement, The most visible and powerful support for corporate compliance training objectives comes from the boardroom. Executive boards should invest in and support compliance training as a priority and board members should view this training as critical to the success and sustainability of the business.
  • ExeSTAT, offers variety of training programs across InfoSec, Anti Money Laundering, Fraud prevention and management, Basel, ERM, Governance, GDPR, PCI, BCM, PoSH, ISO 31000, ISO 27001 etc
  • Compliance training can offer inspiring and demonstrable results for executive boards who wish to instill corporate values and promote social responsibility, sustainability and organizational and employee integrity in the companies they serve, making it an ‘enabling’ exercise and not ‘enforcing’ it as it’s generally perceived.
  • Our industry oriented training provides participants the understanding of risk management concepts and provides them with practical tools and methods required for implementation framework.
  • Known to be tedious and monotonous process oriented exercise we help create and use some interesting methods and tools to make it lively and exciting without undermining the seriousness of the subject, we provide online or in-person classroom trainings on regulatory requirements set for the chosen compliance route your management sees on priority.
  • Our training experts think innovatively when it comes to compliance in a way that ethics and compliance become a part of the mainstream operational activity, to align the organization with it’s regulatory needs,  compliance programs need to be vibrant, innovative, flexible and focused on behavior while being aligned to corporate policies and procedures.



AML/CFT ​- All staff Overview ​– AML Compliance Team ​– BoDs-Sr. Mgmt. Training​ | Contract management Training​ | Training on Legal Aspects​ | Compliance Team Project Management Training​ | Project Management | Security Master Planning

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